Saturday, March 22, 2014

My baby step

Hello all,

First off I want to just put it out there that I've read FANTASTIC blogs out there. One with establishing voices and confident words. Then there's me. The quiet one. I'm starting this blog to record my journey as an aspiring author.

I've decided to work on a fantasy novel. I have a title. I have characters and so far I have 15K words. Do I want to be published and successful? Yes, please! But before I get there I know I have a long drive ahead of me and sometimes, dear reader who I pretend exists for the sake of my sanity, my car breaks down and it's hard to restart it. Sometimes my pit stops for food and bathroom breaks are too long and sometimes I'm too annoyed of myself to drive any longer. I need someone there to calm me down and pat my head.

Also, I'm directionally challenged. There, I said it.

This is where you come in, dear reader. You will be my anchor. You will support me, love me, chide me, and sometimes even ignore me, but it will all be for the good of me. So, fasten your seat belts because our red light is about to turn green.

Ready. Set. Go.