Monday, September 15, 2014

Submission of my First Manuscript.

Hello, dear reader and welcome to the (second) most awaited post of this blog.

Guess who just handed in her manuscript?

Go on,  guess!

That's right! This girl! The girl who has been leading you on for the past 6 months with tiny morsels of information regarding the book. After the multiple "almost done" and "just one more edit" I have finally submitted my manuscript for its initial submission!

I am SO happy and excited!

I'm not going to lie, dear reader, it's been tough fighting you guys off and keeping you at bay.

Here's why:

 There is a very strong romanticized conception of a writer (thank you to all of the chick flicks out there who have ruined it for the people who live in the real world). When I tell people that I am writing a book they usually imagine me sitting at my desk, looking out the window and typing gracefully with sufficient pauses, accentuated by a coy smile every now and then. These smiles are, of course, because of my characters when they say something witty or charming. Also, while I am writing, I have beside me a pipping cup of tea or coffee (butler's choice), an array of fruits and sandwiches and I am dressed in casual and comfortable attire.

Also, I start writing early in the day and continue to do so until dinner time, uninterrupted. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

Now, I want to rip that image into pieces and replace it with the following pie chart:

That is the factual description of what my days as a writer consist of. I would, however, increase the crying section of the pie chart, but the rest is pretty accurate.

Note: Thank you You guys really get me.

This, dear reader, is the craziness that has been consuming me for the past seven months. I have been at this book, tooth and nail. I've written it in good hair days and bad hair days. I have worked on it in sickness and in health. I have developed several bad habits like insomnia, weight gain, lack of exercise, lack of socialization, depression, talking to my self and refusing to touch the laundry until I reach my word count for the week (sorry hubster).

Moreover, the editing part of the book has been exhausting. I have gone over sentences for so long that the English language started to sound like gibberish and words like 'initial' and 'counting' began to look absurd in sentences. Even now I have the urge to replace them with some other words.

I write at odd times of the night and sometimes feel ridiculously upset when I want to write a scene out, but the words won't let me. I skip meals because I am too engrossed in my scenes and feel annoyed when I have to delete whole chapters. I'm constantly thinking about ways to change up the plot and spend hours on the internet, distracted by Facebook and other social media sites, trying to find a character's name. What I am trying to say, dear reader, is that some days the writing works and the other days it doesn't. Nothing is conventional about it: not the hours, not the pay and not the method.

But I love it. I cannot explain to you the joy I feel when I realize that I have arranged words in a sequence that I am happy with. It's like every other job. Some parts of it are hard and others work out okay. I'm not telling you this because I want your sympathy. I am telling you this because I want you to understand what happens behind the scenes.

It's hard, dear reader, The behind-the-scenes in a creative field is a very hard world to live in, especially if you know that there is a very high chance of you staying behind the scenes forever and never getting the appreciation for your hard work.

So, I would like to take this moment and appreciate all the hard work that happens behind the scenes. Just because we don't see it, know about it or understand it doesn't mean that it's not there. I would like to applaud every single individual hidden behind the curtain and tell him/her that you are just as important, fabulous and hardworking as the people shining on the red carpet.

Now, with the submission of my manuscript, I hope that with your love and support, dear reader,
I will be able to achieve my spot on the stage and make my way out from behind the curtain. And if I stumble and fall, my resolve will not waver because of the people who surround me and empower me everyday to fight for my dream. You were with me when I didn't have a blog or a manuscript and you supported me nonetheless. And for that I want to thank you. It is because of you that I will continue to fight and work hard to accomplish my dream.

As for you, dear reader, you are close to my heart: the listener of my deepest secrets and the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for standing by me silently and strongly and please do believe me that I cherish your time and your loyalty. Because without you, my words would be nothing more than floating letters. Thank you for weighing them down with meaning and love.

Until next time. Smiles up and doubts down.


P.S: I'm out for the next two weeks on Europe Tours so no blog posts! Will update when I get back! =D

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

isheeza vs. successful authors

Hello, dear reader. First of all thank you for being so patient with me while I get myself together and through this hectic period in my life.

It's been a complicated few week filled with deadlines, postponed deadlines, piles of laundry, missed meals and sleepless nights. The only thing that keeps me going is you, dear reader, and the fact that it will all be worth it!

Look at us, heart to heart and knee deep in feels <3 p="">
So, how many of you squealed with delight when you saw the picture above and how many of you googled the people sitting behind me?

Let's split you guys 50/50 for argument's sake and continue with the post.

Tonight, dear reader, was solidification of what I want my future to entail. My journey to becoming an international best seller is not an easy one. I had to give up a few certain things like teacher's college and a well-paying job to stick with this risky business. There have been times when I have gotten impatient because of the lack of response from my audience or from the lack of results that I have produced, but tonight was a glimpse into my future. A glimpse that made me weak in the knees.

As I stood in line and waited for these authors to show up, I could hear the people behind me talking about their love for their favourite books, reciting dialogues they had memorized  and profess their love for these wonderful writers who had given them these stories. Next, my attention was drawn towards the set up and black, velvet rope which isolated the fans from the rest of the regular Indigo crowd.

These fans felt so privileged to be here just so that they could meet their idols and their heroes. Dear reader, I must be honest here and tell you that I wasn't one of the fans. I mean I've read all of the books that each of these authors have written and some of them are indeed brilliant, but that wasn't the reason I went.

I was there for selfish reasons. I went there for motivation, for inspiration and to see whether or not I was on the right track.

I stood there in line with the rest of the fans just as eager to meet this panel of successfully, brilliant authors. Finally, after hours of waiting, the authors (I cannot stop using that word, I'm loving it too much) were announced into the room and everyone started clapping and cheering.

I felt my heart beat a little faster. Do you know what I was thinking, dear reader? Can you guess?

I was picturing myself on that stage, as proud and as accomplished as the authors currently occupying it and I couldn't breathe. My dream was alive and it was happening right in front of me. All I had to do was walk a few feet, climb onto the stage and I would be there.

And that's how close I feel to becoming an international best selling author, dear reader. I can touch and taste the wonder of my dream and it is one of the best feelings I have ever experienced.

If all of that wasn't enough I got to ask these wonderful ladies a few questions about being an author. Their answers resonated with me and in that moment I felt like I was one of them, dear reader, me, isheeza! Can you imagine my delight?

It was by far one of the most exciting nights of my life. Tonight showed me the future and solidified me into an international best selling author. I will work hard, dear reader, and I will not give up. No matter how long it takes, one day someone else will be writing their blog about me and I hope that I can give them the same hope and inspiration that these lovely ladies have given me tonight.

Thank you.

Until next time, smiles up and doubts down.
