Thursday, March 24, 2016

An Open Letter to you.

Dear Reader,

Hello. I know. I know. It has been a while since I have last updated here.

So, what has been keeping me busy? Has my career taken off and I no longer have time for blogging? Please wait while I roll of the floor laughing myself to tears.

Okay. I'm back.

In my previous blogs you must have read sentences that outline the doubts that plague an author while he/she is trying to write her book. Guess what? That was the easy part.

As I walk further and further onto this path I realize that everything is a lot harder than the last. Marketing your book and getting it out there has been my toughest challenge (yet). It has been a painful series of rejections coming in every way and form and it fuels the constant doubt whether or not my writing deserves to be published.

I want to get real with you for a moment. The main reason as to why I haven't posted in such a long time is because I have been afraid. Afraid of recording my failures. How do I tell the world week after week of my rejections? Of countless failed avenues and trials? It is not an easy truth to put out there and so I have been hiding behind my Instagram photos (which you should really check out, I've gotten SO much better at photography =D).

Now comes the real question. Why am I so persistent and stubborn with this? There is only one answer to this question. The reason why I will not give up is because of you, dear reader. Every time you mention me in a review, every time you message me about my book, every time you click a like button, the share button or leave me a comment I am back! Strong and fierce!

In the past year I have attended many conferences, the two main ones being BeingMe and RIS. In these conferences I have set up booths for my book and I had some expectations going into these conferences. My main focus though, was exposure for my book, but you, dear reader, you sneaky wonderful person you, you broke right through my expectations. You bought books from me, you thanked me for writing them, you gushed about my characters and you encouraged me.

You made me realize why I had started writing in the first place. It was for you. To put stories out there that made the Aaliyahs, the Fatimas, the Khadijas, the Shamshas, the Tavilas feel as important as the Janes, the Emmas, the Katherines and the Christinas. You renewed my intentions, you gave me the encouragement and the motivation that I needed. And because of you I am always seeking new avenues, new ways to better myself so that I can be all that I intended to be.

So, here is to you, dear reader, and the kindness that you shower my way every, single day.

Thank you,

P.S: I have ventured into YouTube and will now be posting content on it regarding writing your book, marketing it, and getting it published! Tune in and support me, please!

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