Monday, October 6, 2014

Paris: The City of Love?

Hello, dear reader! I am back! Have I missed you guys? Yes. Have I missed home? Yes. Was travelling all that? YES!

Travelling really is an eye opener in so many ways once you get past the glamour of being a tourist. I highly recommend for all you to get yourself out there and travel! Once you are physically and financially stable of course. 

But for now let's talk about my adventure through Europe! So, as you know from my previous blog post I was away for two week travelling the following cities: Paris, Zurich, Venice and Istanbul.
And I am so happy to say that all of these countries were their own with their own culture, own lifestyle, own religion and own food (yum!). I may or may not have gained 10 pounds…

Throughout my trip I was thinking about the best way to communicate my adventure through Europe with you guys. There is SO much to see and do in one city and there is no way I can fit it all in one blog post. So, I came up with a brilliant idea, naturally. (Did you guys miss me and my egotistical self-compliments?)

I am going to share with you one major aspect of each city. A large and common factor that constantly circles the city in question. 

Make sense? 

The first city that I visited was Paris and so the major outlining factor that surrounds that city is l'amour. The myth about Paris being the city of love. 

Oh la la. And with that I have used up all the French that I learned during my four day stay in this fabulous city. 

So, here we are. Paris. 

Imagine yourself standing in a crowd full of people. The night sky is black and everywhere you look lights are glittering, but one light stands out as the brightest. 

It is the Eiffel Tower.

It is glowing like a large candle in the middle of the city, covering every inch of it with its romantic ambiance. Everything can’t help but look beautiful under its light and you can’t help but be seduced by its magic. 

When I first saw the tower I felt its magic working on me too. I couldn't help but feel the romance blooming inside me and that’s when I thought to myself, “Am I feeling romantic because Paris is romantic or am I feeling the romance because you're supposed to?”

Yes, I know. I have profound thoughts, which I expressed out loud in public and effectively creeped out everyone around me. 

The next logical step was to observe the city and its people, looking for signs that shouted, “Be romantic or else!” or “It’s Paris! The law demands that you make googly eyes at each other!” or “If you don’t hold her hand then we’ll chop the useless thing off.”

Unfortunately, there were no such signs, which totally sucked, but there were other hints that proved to me the Paris was indeed the city of love!

Here’s the breakdown, dear reader. The reason why Paris is romantic and full of love is because Parisians take the time out of their lives to express this beautiful emotion to one another frequently and leisurely.

Instead of talking on the phone people talk to one another. Instead of taking pictures to post up on Instagram or Facebook people chose to live in the moment and give their undivided attention to the person they are with. And instead of rushing through moments people choose to slow down and enjoy the moment they are currently in. 

I've seen people stroll hand in hand, without their phones, stopping to observe the scenery and exchanging a hug or a kiss. I've seen Parisians sitting by the Seine river having a picnic with their family or feeding the ducks with their kids instead of being preoccupied by worries and technology. 

It's like they understand that love is meant to shared, cherished, enjoyed and felt. Parisians know that love is personal and they keep it that way. No one knows what they were doing or who they are with because they don't check in on Facebook or post pictures of themselves on Instagram and that is okay with them. 

And for me that is how love is supposed to be, dear reader. 

Love should be cherished on a personal level more than it should be flaunted on a public level.

Some moments are meant for you and your loved one. Sometimes a gesture is supposed to be a sweet, memorable secret between you and your loved one(s). A moment that can be created at any given time or place and a moment that is special because of its exclusivity. 

That, dear reader, is the secret of Paris. That is why it is considered the "City of Love." 

So seize the moment and make it personal. Give your undivided attention to your loved one without the phone, without the public and without the stress. Make it so that he/she feels cherished and exclusive. Give that special someone a hug, a thank you or whatever you think will make their day. 

Turn your ordinary two minutes into a Parisian memory and bring the magic of the Eiffel Tower to you. 

Honore d'Urfe said it best: "The price of love is only must love if one desires to be loved."

And all of Parisians live by that rule. It couldn't hurt to try it for ourselves, right? So, give it your best shot, dear reader, and let l'amour fill your day instead of social media notifications. 

Until next time, smiles up and doubts down. 


P.S: Keep checking my Facebook page for pictures of Paris this entire week!  

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