Monday, November 24, 2014

I Dared to Dream and Now, it's Coming True!

Hello dear reader, I hope that your Monday is going well. Are you as excited about “The Sky Realm” as I am? It’s INSANE how many people are shouting out words of encouragement and helping me achieve my dream!
Do you remember my KICKSTARTER goal? Well, we are almost at the half way point.
That’s right, only $300 until we reach $2500! And as soon as we reach that goal I will be putting out the first chapter of my book!
(Did you just scream out loud, cause I totally did and I’ve read the chapter at least 46 times).
On that cheerful note, let’s get on with today’s post!

I have always believed that books have the power to inspire, encourage, strengthen, and free an individual. I experienced this as a child and as an adult. Books are and always will be close to my heart. They were there for me when I felt alone. They provided me with stories to distract me from my terrible days and magical lands to escape to when Earth wasn't where I really wanted to be.
I was (and still am) an avid reader, devouring books day and night. Soon, I discovered that I could write, too. The euphoria that I felt when I was able to arrange different words from the English language into a sentence and make them fit like they had always belonged together was the first sign for me to pursue my career as a writer.
But, what fun are dreams that come true with a flick of a magic wand, dear reader?
Society and culture told me that writing wasn't really a career. It became more of a hobby that I indulged in, to lower the shouting voices in my head, the ones who demanded to be written. 
I was swept away in the daily rituals of life that label us as functioning human beings. I went to school, I got a degree, I helped out at home and I got a job as a teacher. Don't get me wrong. Teaching was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. To be in charge of a human's mind and to have the responsibility to mold it was nothing short of exhausting- and I loved every minute of it. My only complain was that I didn't get to write. There was simply no time. 
A year later I understood that I would not be able to pursue teaching and writing simultaneously. My passion of writing overpowered my love for teaching. I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to write. It meant that I would not be able to pursue my dream and that broke my heart little. 
I suppose my heart wasn't ready to admit defeat just yet, which is why it would come to me, every night, and quietly whisper in my ear, "Is this the year you become an author?" and every night my answer would be the same. "I don't know."
And then, one ordinary day I decided something extraordinary, dear reader. I came to realize that I have one life and I am the only one accountable for it. Nobody cares whether I write or not, except me! Suddenly the "I don't know," wasn't good enough and I picked up my laptop, opened a blank word document and started to type.
And do you know what happened after that? I was writing. One word after another, misspelling simple words like 'climb' and 'feelings' because I was so excited and nervous. My fingers were literally shaking. They are shaking now, too.
It was a canonical moment for me, dear reader.
And now a year later, here I am with the hopes of publishing all of the words that I have written with your help. But I will not ask you to make an impulsive decision. What I ask of you, dear reader, is that you give my novel summary a chance. Read it over and then decide whether or not the words that I have written speak to you and beckon you to lose yourself in Aaliyah's world. 
And if you choose not to, I will not give up. Because for the past year, every night, when the same quiet voice comes to me and asks me, "Is this the year you become an author?" 
My answer is always, always, "Yes." 
Below is the website where I am accepting pledges. Help me achieve my goal! 

Until next time, smiles up and doubts down. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Sky Realm: Production Stage.

Hello dear reader! How have you guys been? Are you as excited about the release of my debut novel as I am?

You know what I recently learned the other day about publishing? I learned that one should refrain from announcing themselves as a debut author. Why? Because it makes the agents and the publishing company reluctant to take you and your work seriously.

Simply put: They won't give you shot because you're not a sure thing.

Can you believe that?

I don't know about you, but I was infuriated. Wait, let me say that again, INFURIATED.

That's better, now I can go back to ranting.

When the idea was first suggested to me by fellow authors (that's right I know authors now, which I can say things like 'fellow' and 'author' and sometimes 'fellow author') and publishers I outright refused.

Was I being egotistical? Was I being arrogant? No, of course not. For me, this is a matter or faith and belief.

The truth is that I am excited to be a debut author. I am excited that "The Sky Realm" will be my first published novel. It is my biggest personal accomplishment thus far. How can I simply leave my debut novel on the back burner and let it simmer.

J.K. Rowling had a debut novel, Veronica Roth had a debut novel, Rainbow Rowell had a debut novel and so will Sheeza Iqbal.

I bet you that if a publisher magically knew that J.K.Rowling was going to be huge, her debut novel would be HUGE. I mean, launch party with a million celebrities huge and everyone would be riding around in go-karts!

And every news channel, every tweet, every instagram photo and every newspaper would be raving about her and her debut novel. Stories about her being a single mom on welfare would be used to define her passion, her struggle and her utmost faith in the words that she used to form her book.

Am I right?

The point here, dear reader, is that it is easy to rave about someone, to have faith someone, and to sympathize with someone based on their success.

It is however, equally difficult to do so when they are down in the dumps. How do these fellow authors and publishers know that I won't be a success if I'm not given a fair chance?

And that, dear reader, is what I'm fighting for. That is what I want to prove wrong.

It is not fair for us to say who can and who cannot be successful. I feel like we should support dreams and help whoever we can however we can to help them make their dream a reality.

What's the thing that's keeping you from helping others? As yourself that question and take the step forward.

And you can start by supporting me. I am here to ask you to help me get "The Sky Realm" out to the public. We're now putting the finishing touches on the book cover and my baby will soon be ready to go. I want every book store, every internet reading site and every person to know about it and to own a copy.

Here is where I need your help, dear reader, I need you to pledge and help me reach my goal of $5000 so that I can get the FIRST INSTALLMENT of the book out. A lot of you have helped me with my goal and I'm excited to say that I've raised $1700!!

You money would help me create a marketing strategy, get my book out there, and help with the production and printing costs.

I still have a long way to go and  I need your help in supporting me! So, what d'you say, dear reader, are you ready to make history with me?

Check out the link and pledge any amount that you can.

until next time,

smiles up and doubt down.


Monday, November 3, 2014

The Sky Realm: Summary

Hello dear reader and welcome to your Monday. I am your host isheeza and tonight we will be uncovering a hint of magic with a dash of impossible. 

Are you ready? Are. You. Ready?

So, dear reader, guess what you have the privilege of having access to today? GUESS!

If you read the title then your guess should be spot on and if not, well then I label as a lost cause. Anyhoo, I have gotten my hand on the exclusive summary of the Sky Realm for you. How is it exclusive you ask? 


This summary reveals much more about the book than the summary I have chosen as the blurb on the back of my book. 

That's right. I have TWO summaries. If I haven't impressed you now then I am a lost cause. 

So, here it it. The exclusive summary for the loyal and loving reader of isheeza. I do hope that you enjoy it and get your impossible on for the book launch (you'll know why I said impossible once you read the book. It'll be our inside joke). 

Introducing the most awaited novel of the year: The Sky Realm 

The place between Earth and space is where her rightful home is.  Aaliyah, an everyday 
teenager led to believe that she is nothing more than an ordinary village healer, discovers that 
she has the potential to control all four elements: air, water, fire and earth. She is an Ultimate.  But Aaliyah soon realizes that finding her true identity isn’t as easy as she was expecting it to be. Now, with the help of the chief’s daughter, an unexpected mentor and the boy next door, Aaliyah must do everything in her yet-to-emerge powers to defeat Lord Aerious and salvage her home. Her journey of a thousand miles will start with a spark and consume her as she strives for justice, love and power. 


I hope that gave you a glimpse into the world that I have been pouring over for the last 9 months. The launch date will be announced soon. And for those of you who want pre ordered, exclusive copies I have the link for you below! 

until next time. Smiles up and doubts down. 
