Monday, July 21, 2014

Be your own Hero!

Hello, dear reader. First of all I want to thank you! Thank you SO much! For all of your unconditional support, love and faithfulness.

I cannot believe that in just ONE WEEK my latest post, "Colour Outside the Lines," has reached over 500 views, which is INSANE!

I am so happy!

Also, I've launched a Facebook Page and have had over 100 likes in just 2 days. Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

(If you haven't liked my Facebook page, here is the link:

Like away!

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let's get to the heart-to-heart, shall we? Awesome!

So, earlier this month I've gotten a lot of comments from you, dear reader, on social media telling me that you enjoy my posts and you find them inspirational. You also told me that you once thought dreams were just for kids and that in the real world it is very hard to accomplish the magic one may find in his/her dreams.

To that I say, you're right.

Then, dear reader, you said to me that because of some circumstances it was hard for you to actualize your dream, but now when you have the time and the means you lack self-confidence. You are doubtful, scared, and worried.

And that, I can also understand.

Because to believe in yourself when no one else will is a challenging investment. It is easy to believe in something that is popular, safe, and certain. You are comfortable in blindly following someone else's footsteps because the implants are already there. You don't have to carve your own way, you don't have to worry about logistics and most importantly you don't have worry about the option of failure.

But that is not what faith is all about.

Faith is to believe with your heart that which is unseen.

It is, to a great extent, about the heart more than it is about the mind.

You can be logical and calculate pros and cons, but at the end of the day it is what gets you in the feels.

Now, I'm not asking you to take a blind leap.  Do your research, do your homework, understand what you are getting yourself in to and then WORK HARD.

Don't just sit there and expect things to happen. Do your part in preparing yourself and make things happen.

But when it is time for you to take the leap, let go of the security, the safety and the certainty and do it.

Call on your faith and do it. Even if you are alone.

Don't let the doubts of tomorrow hinder the success of today. You're much stronger then your doubtful whispers let on and more capable than the evaluations of society.

Of course, all of this is a lot easier on us when we have someone. We all want someone to believe in us, to support us, to love us and have confidence in us that we are capable and that we can  succeed.

But, why can't that person be you? Why you so afraid to take a chance on yourself? It is unfair of you, dear reader, to ask others to do what you cannot do for yourself.

Become that support, that confidence and that pillar of strength for yourself.

Become your own hero.

Because once you've accomplished that, dear reader, you will realize the power of your potential and become invincible. And that is a pretty cool place to be.

Until next time, smiles up and doubts down.


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