Monday, August 4, 2014

I Don't Make Mistakes.

Hello, dear reader. I hope you are doing well today. I must say I’ve missed you. It’s been a while since we’ve had our little pep talks, hasn’t it?

Well then, let’s not waste any more time and get right to it, shall we?

So, you remember how one of my previous posts talked about the concept of perfection? Well this post is connected to that one.  This post, dear reader, is about mistakes.

The word itself is a taboo.

Nobody likes to make mistakes. Not you and not I.

Because we are perfect.

It is so easy to be offended when someone corrects us. How dare they? How dare they think that you don’t know how to do your job? How dare they tell you that your brownies could be chewier? The nerve!

But, the question is, dear reader, why? Why do we get so offended and defensive when someone dares to correct us?

Because we are scared of being wrong. We are petrified of making mistakes.

The world makes too big of a deal of them.

And I think that because of this notion we are scared to try new ventures and to truly become someone that we want to. Instead, we tend to choose safe options. We follow people who have already walked the path and we walk it better, steering clear of their mistakes, careful not to make any of our own. 

And I don't blame you for that, dear reader.

Today's world demands results. Quick, effortless results. The people who hire you require you to be efficient in over 100 different qualifications without which you don't even get an entry-level position. 

So you lie about your qualifications and promise that you will be able to handle anything and everything that comes your way without a hitch.

There is no room for mistakes. 

The world expects you  to achieve perfection on your first try. How ridiculous does that sound to you right now? But it needs to be done and that is why you do it, dear reader. That is why you are so afraid to make mistakes, to take that chance, to have someone come in and tell you how do something better. 

But, you know what I realized? That everyone  makes mistakes. Some people are just better at hiding them than others. It is clear to me that making mistakes is inevitable. As a human you have no choice but to make mistakes. You have absolutely no say in the matter. Even if you have planned it all out, taken care of every detail and highlighted every precaution you will still make mistakes. 

You hear me, dear reader, you will still make mistakes

What should you do then? The answer is, of course, simple. 

You should make mistakes. You should not be afraid to admit that you are a human being who is more than capable of making mistakes. Admit to yourself that there are other people in this world who can do things better than you and despite your planning and meticulous attention to detail you will screw up at some point.  

The next step, dear reader, is to own up to your mistake. To accept the fact that you are human and that you can make mistakes and deal with them accordingly.  Make your mistakes, learn from them and don't repeat them. 

It's time to stop being afraid of petty things like mistakes and do what you want to do. Don't let the world dictate what you can and cannot do because you're afraid of slipping up. 

Show the world how it's done, dear reader, and own it. 

Until next time, smiles up and doubts down. 


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