Monday, July 7, 2014

Ubuntu: Humanity to Others

Hello, dear readers and happy Monday. First of all I would like to apologize for reducing my blog posting from twice a week to once a week.

It's only for a month. After that you will be getting a double dose of me every week and your life will be complete.


So, today I wanted to share with you a little success. I have reached 5000 views on my blog! I know!

 I'll wait while you thunderously applaud my success.

But, seriously, 5000 views is really no joke! After constantly bombarding your Facebook feed, polluting your Instagram and tweeting you about my updating posts you have finally given in, dear reader, and I couldn't be happier.

And it is about time. You are SO high maintenance. If I was Bollywood actor I would have changed 29 outfits, sang 13 songs, beat up 541 goons (at once, ofc!), fought with 7 families and eloped with you 8 times.

Talk about my persistence, huh?

This just goes to show that harassment can have a positive outcome. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!

On a more serious note, the only reason as to why I have 5000 views or comments from people telling me how much they enjoy my blogs is because of  your selflessness, dear reader.

And the cool thing about it is that selflessness is not limited to a country, a culture or a religion. The concept of selflessness is encouraged in every part of this world and that, dear reader, is what you have done.

You have been selfless with your time and your love and your selflessness reminds me of something beautiful.

In ancient African there is a word that I have fallen in love with.

Ubuntu (oo-BOON-too). This words loosely translates into: Humanity to others.

When I first came across this word I didn't think much of it. But as I began to use it and see it in my everyday life I came to realize how much meaning this average word contains.

This term can direct your entire life and to be perfectly honest, as humans, we're completely lost on it. When I walk around my city I don't see people helping others for the sake of humanity. Instead, I see them helping others for their own sake. Sometimes people will become a walking talking questionnaire before they can even think about helping someone.

"Why don't you just get a job?"

"What if he spends my money on drugs?"

"I can't donate money now, I need it!"

And God forbid if the amount turns into double digit numbers then you want a contract signed in blood.

Do you realize, dear reader, that you can easily spend $100 on tops and pants at H&M but you will think a thousand times before you give some a $50.


Because your money suddenly becomes substantial. When you are spending money on yourself it's not a big deal, but if you were to spend the same money on someone else you would fall nothing short of a heart attack.

Try it.

It's this malice in our hearts that forces us to become distrusting, selfish, and self-serving. Where is your empathy? How can you not acknowledge an individual's pain on a human level?

And even if they misuse your money, your help or your time that shouldn't stop you from helping humanity. Because it's not about you, its about them.

So bring back the concept of Ubuntu. Don't let the meaning become as ancient as the word and you will find a strange sense of tranquility. Show others what it means to be a human being. Help someone with their grocery bags, drop a $50 in the homeless guy's cup without thinking twice, sponsor a child who needs the basic necessities of life, or give your mom a hug.

Because everything will fade away, but the peace that you will gain by giving and being selfless will last you a lifetime.

As Jim Carrey once said: "I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer."

Until next time, dear reader!
