Monday, June 30, 2014

Risk Everything

Hello, dear reader. How goes it? Have you done anything spontaneous or adventures or something that is not really you? 

If the answer to that is no then you're part of the majority. 

For those of you who answered no to this question because your mom won't let you, we're in the same boat. But, for those of you who don't have a brown dad expecting you to be home before sunset then you have no excuse. 

You really don't. 

It's one thing to have been tied down and its another to tie yourself down. 

I'll explain. 

In life, there are moments when we are completely free of everything and everyone and it is in those moments that what we choose to do what defines us for who we are. If you do something you are expected to do then that's not really you. It is a part of you, but not the entire you.  But, if you are given a moment of freedom, if you are given a choice at a crossroad, then, dear reader, you must be authentic. 

You must be risky. 

And you must be brave. 

All of these things are interconnected. You cannot have one without the other. 

If you want to make your mark in this world and you want to stand out from the usual crowd, then you must do something that hasn't been done before. This could mean that it has't been done in your family, it hasn't been done amongst your friends, it hasn't been done in your country or that no one in this entire planet has attempted to do what you have done. 

The point is, dear reader, the choice to be authentic presents itself on multiple levels, not just one. You don't have to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, you can be authentic and risky at any level. 

Now, that doesn't mean break all the rules and go crazy. The concept of authenticity and being risky can be tied to anything. I'll give you an example and I apologize in advance for it's cheesiness. Let's say that you are sitting at home, being the person that you are. Maybe you've situated yourself in front of the TV and are currently stuffing your face with chips or maybe you're on your electronic device, tweeting away at the awesomeness that is isheeza, if you're not then I'll wait while you do so. 


So, where was I? Ah yes, you just finished social networking about me. This is your daily routine and it is most probably the routine of many individuals around the world. But that is not being authentic. That is being the usual and trust me, dear reader, there is nothing extraordinary about that. 

Even the fact that you can stuff 20 chips in your mouth without breaking them. 

What would be extraordinary, dear reader, if you were to put down that remote and do something that you're scared to do. Put yourself out there and let the world know about your talents. Maybe you can write, paint, direct, be a fashionista, draw comics, or even make the world's best souffle. Whatever it is, dear reader, it not only defines you but it expresses you in a way that is authentically you (see what I did there?).

So what are you waiting for? What is the hold up? If not now, then when?

If all of these are excuses and not valid reasons then you need to put yourself out there. You need to risk everything, your image, your fears, your excuses...everything. 


Because, dear reader, you could be great. Don't let your excuses delay your abilities. You need to pursue what makes you unique and to let the world know how your talents can make the mark. 

You can make it big. 


Be authentic, be risky, and be brave.

I'm right behind you!



  1. Sheeza, you're awesome. :) I love your motivational speech in a blog post. It was refreshing!

  2. Sheeza Iqbal, You're extraordinary never stop writing make it big grow more reach the sky and play with stars, Why? Cause you could.

  3. Thank you so much for such lovely compliments! They mean everything to me and keep me going!
