Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day: ZaidAliT Edition

Hello, dear reader, how goes your lovely summer Monday? I say summer because I feel as if I haven't gone international yet, but if there are any international #isheezers I would like to address you in these three words.

Er. Ma. God

And now that those three words have summed up everything that went through my head in the moment where I entertained the idea of having international readers I shall move on to today's blog spot.

Before I go any further I should clarify that today's blog post is not about me (I know, I'm disappointed too) rather it is inspired by a Father's Day video that I stumbled across on Twitter.

I don't know if you know him, but this young man seems to be quite popular. Especially with the younger generation of the brown community.

He goes by the name ZaidAliT and he is a comedian who posts up memes, videos and tweets that  relate very well to the brown community. After doing some research on him (sorry ZaidAliT for sounding like a creeper) he piqued my curiosity.

Here is an example of my favourite meme from him.

I literally LOL-ed out loud. It was a lot of work.

For those who don't speak the brown language (Urdu/Hindi) the word shabash loosely translates into, "Bravo, well done! What an achievement!"

Here's another one that resonates very well with the brown culture:

That pretty much how it is.

But here is what made ZaidAliT stand out for me.

Apart from his witty jokes and interactive videos, ZaidAliT grounds certain values in his viewers that are slowly becoming extinct. These values include honesty, compassion, respect, empathy, and selflessness.

There is a video of him surprising a Walmart cashier woman for Mother's Day with a flower, just because.

How sweet.

Not only that, this individual is helping to bring an understanding of the younger generation and the older generation closer. His posts highlight the struggles of a young, brown individual with parents, society, and religion, but at the same time these posts hold an underlining of understanding.

An understanding of what?

ZaidAliT, dear reader, very cleverly forces you to understand the situation from an older person's perspective, for example, parents.

His recent Father's Day video did just that.

He has posted memes and tweets that talk about the whimsical enigma that are brown dads, but his video, which shows a range of emotion as he gifts his father his dream car, show us the softness that is embedded in them.

Culturally, brown dads are taught to portray themselves as tough, no-nonsense individuals, but deep down they too have dreams and aspirations that have been sacrificed for us. Moreover, in the video, his father tears up, unable to take the overwhelming feeling of love that he feels upon seeing the car and it is in this moment, dear reader, that you look at your own father differently.

Don't you?

He's no longer the tough man, he is now a man that needs your love and understanding just as much as you need his.

This video for me was highly inspiring and a reminder of how I shouldn't let perspective fool me into belittling the favours that have been bestowed upon me.

So, thank you, ZaidAliT for being an individual who not only promotes the desperately needed brown awareness, but at the same time you inspire 426, 802 likes on Facebook, 98K followers on Twitter in a way that is indubitably admirable.

Don't ever stop.


The link to the Father's Day video:

Twitter Account: @Za1d

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