Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Middle

Hello, dear reader, I have a dilemma that I need to discuss with you. This matter is of utmost urgency and for that I need your undivided attention.

Haha! As if you multitask while reading my blog.

(Let me be happy in my bubble of love.)

So, let's get to it, shall we?

My problem these days, dear reader, is that I am in the middle.

Smack dab in the middle.

In the middle of what you may ask?

Of many things. And I don't know if it's just me, but once I am in the middle I feel as if I am stuck. I feel like I am a truck who's tires are stuck in the mud and I need a lot of engine power to get out of there.

Am I the only one? Consider the scenario below:

When I start working on a project I am enthusiastic, energized and relentless. I cannot wait to get started and I make sure that every excruciating detail is taken care of. The project is all that I talk about and I cannot help but spend every second of my existence on it. But, as time goes on and my project reaches its middle, all of those adjectives, that I had attached to it previously, fade away. I am no longer enthusiastic, I am no longer energetic and I am no longer relentless. Instead I become lazy, I start making excuses, and I lose interest.

And it happens to me all the time. (Pronounce the 'all' in an annoyed and stretched out voice, with a hint of nasal).

Because of this "middle process," dear reader, I must have given up on numerous ideas. All of which come to me at 3:30 am and all of which I forget by the morning. But, the point is, dear reader, that one of these ideas could have turned into something great, something phenomenal.

But I don't let myself get to the end of it to find out. I just can't seem to see my idea through until the end.

Let's say, for argument's sake, that I do act upon my brilliant, 4:00 am idea and I manage to start working on it, but once I get to the middle, my idea doesn't stand a chance. Sometimes it becomes boring and sometimes I become lazy and it is because of these equalizers that I happen to get stuck in the middle.

So, I guess the real question that I want to ask you is: How does one get over the middle?

Is it even possible?

As an aspiring author, I can tell you that I have written many excerpts and short stories that are all left unfinished. This novel is the only piece of writing that I have actually managed to finish and now that I am in the editing process of it all (which is SO long and annoyingly frustrating at times) I can feel the familiar tug of the middle. I can sense it coming, wanting to wrap its lazy hands around me, telling me that it's okay to start slacking off.

And oh, is it ever tempting.

I don't like the editing part of writing, dear reader, I hate it. It is so tempting to just drop the whole thing just so I won't have to put in the extra effort of editing into it.


But I can't.

I may hate the editing process, but I love the writing part of it and if I want my book to be actualized, to be read successfully, then I am going to have to scrape myself out of the middle and see this book through.

And I want you to do that as well.

I want you to find a dream, I want you to work through it and I want to see you finish it. Don't let the temporary comfort of the middle stop you from accomplishing the big wonders in your life.

It's not worth it. Coming out bruised, battered, tired, and annoyed is.


 Because, dear reader, those battle scars will prove to you that you are capable of much more than the comforts of compromise and laziness.

So pull yourself out and let your name go down in history.


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