Monday, June 23, 2014

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Hello, dear reader, first of all I apologize for the missing post. There were multiple technical difficulties that came in the way of the brilliance that I had woven together for you, but, fear no more. You have the chance to take it all in today.

I know, my head is getting too big for my shoulders. It is a horrible medical condition I have been told, but no worries, dear reader, I am taking the required medication.

Now that my medical condition and required pills are out of the way let's get going on this blog.

It still boggles the mind of many that I chose to leave the secure and promising career of a teacher to purse my aspirations as an author. You see, dear reader, the career of an author is a hit or miss. After thorough research the sad fact is that publishers do not care about the content of your book or the inspiring messages hidden within them. In the end, it's all about the numbers. If your content promises a large audience who is willing to spend its money on you then you are given the green light, otherwise you're added to the rejection pile.

Kind of harsh, isn't it?

I think so too. Not only that but the amount of effort, love and care that you may have poured into your book is worthless if it doesn't sell.

It's more of a miss than a hit.

A teacher's job, on the other hand, is a safe 9-5 (and then some) with a steady pay, health and dental benefits and a set number of days for vay-cay. #summer

It is a rewarding and enlightening experience that allows you to learn and experience something new everyday and I have loved every minute of it. The connection that I was able to make with my students was beyond amazing. It was not only a safe job, but a rewarding one too and after you compare the two it doesn't make much sense for me to leave a secure and promising future for something more....shady.

But, despite knowing all that and understanding that I don't stand much of a chance against the big guys I have put every ounce of my soul in this book. Some would argue that I have "thrown away" the security and safety that comes with teaching to pursue a losing battle.

Although I may agree with the statement above, I cannot help but embark on this big, confusing journey.


Because my faith is stronger than facts. I believe that the words I write have the ability to entertain the reader, I believe that I am stronger on paper than I am in person, I believe that I can create some colossal word combinations that have an impact and most importantly I believe that I can be an accomplished writer despite the impending doom looming over me.

And when the battle is over and I am the victor there won't be anything in this world that I will not be able to do. The conquest that I will have accomplished will remind me of the power that I hold inside of me.

The concept of faith and belief is innate for humans, dear reader, and once you embrace it you will become unstoppable. So, don't limit yourself by the worldly facts and rules. Free yourself by accepting that you can because you believe that you can, and you will.

You most definitely will.


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