Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Fairest of them All?

So today was another normal, Thursday morning and I was working on my novel. My sister came in and handed me the rest of her tea, asking me to finish it off for her.

After one sip I realized there was not a trace of sugar in that cup.

She doesn't take sugar now, she's cut back.

A few sentences about my sister before I go on with what's been on my mind, dear reader. By the way I started this post many of you are probably thinking that I'm about to tell you a story about a girl who is battling with anorexia and self-image.

But, fortunately, that is not the case. My sister has studied nutrition, human body, anatomy, physiology, the brain, sleep, embryology and participated in hands on "gym" classes. These are just the names of the courses she has taken while pursuing her undergrad degree, so it safe to assume that she is a smart individual who makes good choices.

And yes, she is the smart child of the family. The one who ruins it for everyone else on report card day (kidding, she's my rock!). #Brownfamilyproblems

But what's a sister-sister relationship without some good, old fashion, "UGH! GOD! I HATE YOU!"

My sister, dear reader, is a person who studies her body in such excruciating detail that it drives the entire family to the brink of insanity. She knows what she needs to eat, how much of it, and when to eat it.

Is she obsessed? Does she need rehab?

No, she isn't obsessed. For her, its about having the body, yes, but having it the right way. By cutting down on junk, getting her protein, minimizing the oil and a DAILY workout. She does it because it's important to her. She likes herself this way.

Me, on the other hand, i'm not that crazy about it. Chips is my hamartia, dear reader, and you literally have to snatch the bag out of my hands if you want me to stop eating it. The chips have a negative impact on my body, naturally, unless they are magic chips that never finish or give me any unwanted fat! Wishful thinking!

Do I complain and hate myself for it? Nope, because that's me. I am okay with the way I am. I admit that I am a closet fatty, one who eats junk when she knows she shouldn't, and it affects my body.

Here is what I don't do: I don't hate every skinny person, or tell them how lucky they are to be this way and how much I need to change myself just so I can fit the society's criteria of "attractive."

You need to understand and appreciate the dedication that goes in attaining and MAINTAINING that body. Trust me, I have experienced it first hand and some days really suck for ze sister and I ask her why she puts up with it.

She shrugs and says, "It's what I want, wouldn't you do that same?"

And then it hit me dear reader. She was doing it for herself not for society, not for the praise, but because she wanted to. It's all about you, how you choose to see yourself and how you should strive in that direction, ignoring the constant voices who are attacking you.

In this case my mom, who is tired of having to cook healthy. #Brownfamilyproblems

She chooses be to a healthy, athletic individual who is defined by her healthy choices.

On the other hand, I choose to be an author, who accepts that she eats too many chips. But that doesn't mean I am undermining myself in anyway. You need to set yourself up according to your standards and whether you choose to raise them or lower them should be entirely up to you.

And that is the hardest thing in the world, isn't it, dear reader? To believe that you are worth it. To accept yourself the way you are because you have been beaten to pulp by society and its RIDICULOUS (I just screamed that word out loud, you should too) standards.

"UGH! God Society, I HATE YOU!"

And that is what I want to teach you with my upcoming novel, to empower yourself through your differences and to judge yourself based on your standards. #shamlesspromotion #idealstolenfrombrownaunties

Easier said than done? I agree! But, I will fight along with you, valiant reader, and hope to see you come out shining!


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