Friday, May 23, 2014

Cut the Flab!

Hello, dear reader, I am so stoked for today's post!

Isn't the title for today's blog post fantastic? Cut the Flab! How genius is that?

I cannot tell you how sorry I am for not coming up with these words on my own. I actually borrowed them from a twittler @Clive_SJohnson (who you can stalk on twitter and read up on his brilliant poetry. The man has a way with words! He does not disappoint! SO check him out!)

So I was scrolling down his news feed because I stalk him too (obviously!) and came across these words! The minute I read these words I knew I had to have them! And so I messaged him and he so graciously gave me permission to use them.

These three words describe my current situation perfectly. These past new days that is exactly what I have been doing, cutting down the flab. Now before you get a disturbing image of a flabby stomach on yours truly, allow me to explain.

I am not talking about body flab, which in truth needs to be addressed as well. Seriously, all this sitting around and face stuffing is not working out for me. If I have to hear one more comment like, "Oh, Sheeza! Look at you! So healthy after marriage!" I am going to start questioning my attractiveness (yeah, right! Dove all the way! #selfesteem).

Healthy is the term that brown people use when they want to say, "You're getting fat" nicely. With complete disregard for their own body weight of course.

Brown Aunties deserve a blog to themselves, someone seriously needs to get on that.

Instant fame!

So, where was I? Oh yeah, as you know, dear reader, my novella is now complete (still not over it) and I am now in the horrid process of editing. I am really not built for it I tell you, but it's part of the job so I have to suck it up and come through.

Editing a novel is much like working out. Point A being I do not enjoy either, happy coincidence? I think not! Now, onto my analogy.

Sometimes there are extra words here and there that have to be removed (like flab) and then sometimes you come across a paragraph that needs work (like turning fat into muscle). It's a daily commitment and you have to make sure that you are hitting your target areas well! If you slack off on certain areas then they stick out like sore thumbs and everyone points them out.

And, of course, like everyone has a problem area that doesn't go away (arms, stomach, thigh, butt?), I do too and mine is commas. There are so many rules to them and they are so unexpected! But I'm working on it. Every day, so that when I have a finished product it all but wows everyone.

So I'm pretty much aiming for a fitness model.

And I know, dear reader, that is a very tough aim and sometimes in life it doesn't matter how hard you try, if things don't want to work out for you, they don't. Life kinda sucks like that.

But you should never stop trying, never stop targeting those problem areas, working on them every, single day just so that one day you can stand in front of the mirror and see the fitness model in you.

As for me, I'm going to take my own advice and get myself back to editing. Maybe even throw in a little treadmilling this week, fingers crossed.

Keep smiling!

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