Monday, May 12, 2014

Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

Hello, dear reader. Happy Monday! Today I am an equal balance of happy and annoyed.

Happy because I am currently working on the climax of my novella, which is (spoiler alert) so exciting that I can't stop rubbing my hands together and laughing like a maniac. Its insane how fast my hands move over the keyboard as I delight myself with villainous threats and witty remarks.

Below is a picture of my face when I imagine my characters thanking me for giving them such brilliant dialogues.

I am such a delight. 

Now onto the part where I tell you that I am annoyed and what any of this mumbo jumbo (no one ever says that anymore, iSheeza!) has to do with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.

Well, I am annoyed because I don't want to leave my writing world, but I have to in order to participate in the real world.

Ugh. Boring!

But I have to, because life goes on and you have to keep up with it. That means you gotta eat, sleep, cook, do laundry, bathe (which is a SUPER important one), do the dishes, feed the cat, clean the cat's litter, vacuum, broom, mop and dust.

Now, I'm not saying that I do all of these things in one day, but exaggeration is the essence of drama, so why not?

Anyways, as I was saying: The everyday life activities force me to leave my writing behind and focus on other things. Which is why I need the 7 Dwarfs! I want to assign each and every one of them a task from my list and be forever content to write.

Interruptions, dear reader, are SO annoying and trivial! They test my patience. And on some days there is an overload of interruptions because writing isn't a career in the brown world.

When I introduce myself as an author, first I have to explain to everyone what that exactly means. I used to call myself a writer, but then the brown community started taking that literally. As in I sit and write randomly on a piece of paper with a pen.

I'll wait while you smash something with a pan.

Never again, dear reader, never again.

Naturally the next question is what I have published and when I say, "Oh, nothing yet, but Inshallah soon." I've lost their attention and they start convincing me about how I am wasting my life away. My parents sit there on the couch and nod enthusiastically as they start comparing me to random doctors, engineers. Basically they are these perfect human beings who do everything perfectly.

Where are these people? I've lived 25 years, dear reader, and I have yet to meet one!

From the younger generation, I get the, "aww, that's cute."

Then I need a knife.

The thing is dear reader, that, unfortunately, no one will back you up until you've made it big.
No one.

And that's why  you gotta do is make sure that you're always backing yourself up because that is the only way to come out shinning.

Happy Monday, dear reader, Happy Monday!


1 comment:

  1. I'll be your dwarf! But then I'm afraid I'd have to be Sleepy...
