Friday, May 30, 2014

Feeling Shady!

Hello dear reader. It is Friday. That means a whole week has passed and my editing still remains to a minimum. To be fair, I have been substituting as a teacher and so that pretty much takes away my editing time.

So, it seems that the editing process is going to be longer than expected.

But that's okay.

Today, I took a ferry to the Toronto Islands, away from the city, from people, the expectations looming over my head, and the stress of daily life. It was just a calm day spent under a tree with fat robins, then a long walk to scout the area, then some time spent on the sandy beach and finally the sunset as I rode the ferry back to home sweet home.

If you haven't gone, dear reader, you must! You're missing out otherwise!

This mini vay-cay (check out the snazzy slang!) that I took today made me realize something.

Sometimes dear reader, it's okay to take a break and relax (according to contrary belief). I have been working at this novel since late December 2013. I have been obsessing over it tirelessly to achieve results that will prove to me and those around me that I can become a published author.

It's been hectic, dear reader, and exhausting. I feel like I am in a race against time and that I have to squeeze every ounce  of what I have into my baby (The Sky Realm) so that I can prove my worth.

That's kinda sad, isn't it?

Out there, on Ward Island, away from the city, I took the time to enjoy my trip. I didn't constantly check my phone. I didn't take a picture of everything that crossed my path. I didn't document every second of my trip.

I enjoyed my trip the old fashioned way.

I walked, I saw, I heard, I smelt, I tasted and I felt the moments by being completely invested in them. The memories that I have of today are all tucked away inside my head.

Instead of worrying about the future and capturing the events of my visit, I simply enjoyed it by just being there.

And if I missed something on the island, I didn't fret about it.

What I realized, dear reader, is that sometimes it's okay to kick back and relax. We should not always be obsessed with producing mass results to satisfy society's cravings.

Easier said than done? I agree. But, I am going to try.

For now, I am going to enjoy my time as a teacher, while working on my novel edits. I may not get through a lot, but that's okay.

You know why? Because this is my journey, so I get to set the pace. And I've decided to enjoy the walk instead of rushing through it and missing out on the canonical moments that may define me as a person.

Take a deep breath, dear reader, and slow down.

You are the producer of your own show.



  1. I am so glad to hear that! Keep yourself posted for the updates on the release date!
