Friday, May 2, 2014

Step up, Step up!

This picture belongs to my friend. She painted the words on by herself on her bedroom wall. She painted it on to motivate herself.

In the world of technology and internet we find it very hard to participate in the outside world. I myself am most comfortable behind a laptop screen, stalking you guys on Facebook, twitter and my recent discovery, Google plus. But when I have to participate in the outside world, with people and interact with them, I feel naked. I feel exposed. Where is my veil? (I'm referring to my laptop screen).

Is it not easier to talk to someone through text then to actually call them, dear reader? Aren't you most comfortable hiding behind technology than going out and actually doing stuff? And by going out I don't mean going out to the mall and checking in on Facebook with an Instagram picture of your food. What I mean, dear reader, is that you going out and doing something that matters.

Life changing stuff.

Things like donating, participating in charity events, helping a friend with moving, doing somebody a favour. Where are all those actions?

I think those actions are disappearing, diminishing into the night sky. And do you know what happens when these action go away, dear reader?

Humanity goes away.

 How will you feel humane if you don't experience compassion, kindness, laughter, joy or empathy for another human being? These emotions have to be felt first hand, dear reader, by your heart.

I know, its all really boring! Giving up your entire day to spend it for something like a clothing drive, but I cannot stress enough that it is necessary! My friend here has done exactly that and inspired people. She is a young woman in her twenties who chooses to spend her time in creating charity events, doing things that will benefit her and the people around her. Here are just a few things that she has done in this year alone:

a) Participated in a "Attitude of Gratitude" charity event.
b) Planted trees
c) Climbed 147 floors of the C.N. Tower
d) Performed for an event that protests women violence.

She chooses to do these things because she feels the blessing in them.

Because she is blessed with good health, she participates in marathons. Because she cares about her future, she plants trees. Because she understands that she is privileged to live the kind of life style she is living, she donates. Because she understand pain she participates in protests.

My list of becauses can go on and on dear reader. I could write paragraphs about this individual, but now this isn't about her.

It's about you.

Feel the power inside of you, of what you can accomplish and do as a human.

So, dear reader, the question remains. Will you and I step up?


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