Monday, May 19, 2014

Now what?

Hello, dear reader, I have some GREAT news! I have officially finished the first draft of my novel!

*Celebration time, come on!*

So, after I got over the fact that I actually finished a WHOLE story, I realized that everyone wants to know what's next, including me.

Apparently you can't just send your first draft willy nilly to whoever you want and, get this, they don't publish you on the spot.


I have to now edit my 61k words (groan) and then proofread it.

I have NO idea how I'm going to get through all of that. I mean, this was the first piece of writing I not only stuck with but finished. Isn't that enough?!

Apparently not. Sniff.

I have no idea how I am going to do it, dear reader, I really don't.

And to make matters worse people, instead of applauding my four months of vigorous effort, are challenging me with my manuscript, demanding I tell them what I can hope to accomplish with a roughly written manuscript.

Somebody hold my hijab, I'm going in.

So do you know what I am going to do tonight, dear reader? I am going to ignore all of the questions people are throwing my way, go out and celebrate my accomplishment with the love of my life and edit the words that have flown from the genius that is my mind later. Hold the thunderous applause until I finish, please.

Tomorrow will mark the week that I begin editing and proofreading and after that, dear reader, I will move onto something new. Something wonderful that will bring me one stop closer to my goal and I suggest that you do the same. In a pessimistic world, optimism is a breath of fresh air that everyone needs. Including the pessimist.

*Cue the applause*



  1. Good luck love, I know you'll power through it just like everything iA, keep your head held high and make duaa <3
    ps. i liked that last line

  2. Just wandered over here from Twitter and saw your post. Congratulations on finishing your draft! Now the extra hard work begins *is in the same boat* *headdesk* - @astres

  3. Thank you so much for the lovely words of encouragement and motivation! Its what keeps me going!
